Burt County Ag Society
- Dale Miller, President (402.380.8593)
- Chris Carlson, Vice President
- Jamie Bacon, Secretary
- Henry Unwin, Treasurer
- Board Members:
- Charley Cull Dale Greenwood
- Alan Kjeldgaard Mort Pearson
- Jamie Bacon Dale Miller
- Johnnie Johnson Chris Carlson
- Jason Parcel Jeff Hurrell
- Brent Ahrens Andrew Brudigam
- Randy Hansen Dennis Fleischman
For more information, follow us on our Facebook page.
Rural Fire Department Board
- Keith Charling ( 402-372-7764)
- Mark Johnson (402-380-8199)
- Brad Bousquet (402-685-5806)
- Garry Powell (402-372-7274)
- Jim VonEssen (402-380-8029)
- Brandon Carda (402-210-6320)
Progress Committee
- Dan Tanksley Jr. (402-380-0849), President
- Jim Groth (402-685-5511), Vice President
- Audrey Unwin (402-685-5136), Secretary
- Renae Johnson (402-685-6145), Manager
- Board Members: Rick Mulder, Andy Rennerfeldt, Janice Case, Sandra Johnson
Oakland Housing Authority ( previously known as Four Trees Board )
- Rosa Schmidt, President
- Members: Evan Rennerfeldt, Tammy Morphew, Peg Hartwell, Annette Faudel
Library Board
The library board meets the 1st Monday of every month.
- Jessica Keogh, President
- Kathy Fischer, Vice President
- Board Members: Alison Mockenhaupt, Clendon Rost, Coleen Denton
Cemetery Board
- Jeri Baker ( 402-380-0251), President
- Sexton: Dan Tanksley Jr ( 402-380-0849) & Dale Jones ( 402-380-8637) /
- Janice Case, Record Keeper
- Sandra Johnson, Secretary / Treasurer
- Scott Swenson, Board Member
Housing Authority
- Manager: Alli Keogh
402-685-5440 / Email: oakhousauth@abbnebraska.com - Board Members: Rosa Schmidt, Evan Rennerfeldt, Tammy Morphew, Peg Hartwell, Scott Coates
Oakland-Craig Public School Board
- Gus Ray
- Marliee Groth
- Aaron Anderson
- Kiley Johnson
- Diane Pelan-Johnson
- Brett Johnson
- Tim Magnusson
- Henry Unwin
- Dane Johnson
For more information, follow us on our Facebook page.